So I just saw on my friend Kila's blog that there's a new thing called The StickyStrap... it's amazing! Here's a quote from them... "it sticks, stands & hangs." And it's going to be super cool! You can make your iPod sit up, stick to walls, stick to windows, hang from a hook... It's also under 10 bucks. If you wanna watch more then go to the youtube site and watch! Duh...
In other news... I just had a fun weekend visiting Tharpy-Tharp with Ross, Kila, Pat, and Ariel. We gave Pat a mini-tour... and Kila and I had fun doing a shop-crawl. It was kind-of a shop-hop... lol. I rhymed! We started out at Rural King, worked our way through some clothing shops and ended up, several shops later, at a gas station to get some Mt.Dew which we purchased from a nice lady clerk who was dipping while talking to us and taking our money for our sodas... Yay country living! Oh dear...
On the good side I have some cute new clothes now and some GirlScout cookies (which are a complete other story in themselves...). Let's see what the coming weeks bring!
Oh, and Happy Valentines Day!