Thursday, March 1, 2012


Today is one of those days where I just want to talk about my feelings so if you don't want to read any further than this (and quite frankly I don't think I have any readers [probably a self esteem issue to go along with my mopeyness] and if you are reading this than hooray!) then I won't have any hard feelings about it.
About the title, I'm pretty sure it is in some kind of animated movie and sung over and over as a lovely little tune but it's kinda how I feel so I thought I'd make it fun. I'm one of those weird moods where it seems like no one in the world cares. I know it's absurd and if you are reading then don't feel the need to console me because I know the truth. But knowing it and feeling it at the moment are completely different things. Which is why this is going no where near facebook and hardly anyone on there knows this exists. Jumping to conclusions is the ultimate end of anything that's posted there...
But I just realized that everything I've done today hasn't gotten a response from the intended target. Like texts. The only person I've actually conversed with today is my boss, unless you count the 30 second convo about how stupid rental apt offices can be. Other than that I've had dozens of meaningless convos with people I'm trying to offer jobs to today, most of the people don't answer their phones, which I don't understand... If you apply for a job don't you answer the phone? And if you do, are you rude to the friendly person on the other end trying to help you out? And isn't there the common courtesy that if you don't intend to go to an interview you call and let the people know so they don't wait on you? All things that have made me lose faith in the nicety of people over the past few months. Probably adding to the sadness. But still. It'll be nice to go "home" soon so that I may have some human contact. If they're home. Maybe tennis? If it's not freezing. Yesterday was gorgeous...
But I guess I'll go now. I've vented. Now on to positive thoughts... These grapes are awesome...