GE is the second-largest maker of wind turbines, something I didn't know until recently, and they install them globally. But apparently it's been wanting to expand its offshore market so it has been making acquisitions which include a company that is making gearless turbines. Now, instead of a gearbox that deteriorates quickly due to the stress it takes from wind turbulance and requires constant attention, the new turbines use magnets to generate the power as the shaft spins.
It's really quite neat and makes me wonder if they'll start putting them in here. They've been tested on the Norwegian coast since 2003 so I think they're pretty reliable...
Wanna know more? Check out "GE Grabs Gearless Wind Turbines"
On a more personal note, I haven't been feeling all that well today but I think I'll be alright. There's so much to do this week I don't have the time to feel bad. A five-page paper due Friday that we were just told about this last Friday with no time to organize our schedule around it (work schedules are made for 2 weeks and require 2 weeks advance for time off) and the fact that I had a 2 page paper due yesterday, have a 3 page paper due tomorrow, a presentation tomorrow, work tonight, a speech to cover tomorrow night for class and a story to write on it, and ads to finish for my other job. All of that I already had to do this week and knew about it and planned for it, and then we got a SURPRISE 5 page paper that isn't on the syllabus. Thanks so much. Maybe if we were told two weeks in advance it would be better, but for right now I'm very angry... but at least I have my required blog done!
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