Friday, October 16, 2009

my lovely hard drive

Okay, so I'm posting this because it's new information to ME and I found it relevant...

So I have a hard drive, you know, one of the ones you buy from BestBuy or WalMart that you put all your pictures and music on. Well, I use mine to be a bit more creative than that and there's a side story to that...

  • I work as the Production Assistant for a news program. It's called FastTrack and it's produced through Purdue University (check out our blog as well as the link above!). It's a student production as the students of Com 408/409 write, shoot, edit, and produce all of the stories that go into the news and the show itself under the wonderful tutelage of Patricia Rochon and with help by Scott Schroeder, another wonderful teacher that works in this fun little basement studio. So the point to this story was to say that I use my drive to capture footage, edit stories and make music and graphics for the shows (I do graphics too). So it's very useful.
I discovered today as I was trying to render a graphic that I created in LiveType for some promos we made and are putting on TV for the Group X classes at the CoRec, visit the link if you want to check out more info on the classes, they're actually quite fun, that there are specific formats to hard drives and that mine is formatted for a PC and the graphic couldn't be handled in that format when I saved it to my hard drive and tried to play it back in a MAC. The only way to remedy the situation, which is bothersome because there are shows that I'd like to put on my hard drive that won't save there because of the formatting, is to partition my hard drive so that it has both formats. That should be fun...
  • Oh! Afterthought... If you want to check out FastTrack, as in watch the show and don't want to take time out of your busy 6pm hour, just visit the website and watch the shows!

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