So, today is going to be a fun day. I just decided. Actually I decided yesterday and just now committed to it, but that's another story.
So I have job to do today! I'm helping a woman with her website. I'm going to film for her and then add some graphics to the video and she will then use them on her website. She is an entrepreneur and helps businesses get back on the track to success, and her business is called Success Trek. If you would like to learn more about her business then just follow the link on the title of her organization. If you own a business it may do you some good!
That part of the day is going to be the start of the fun part.
Wanna know the really really super part of the day??? Do ya???
IT'S BASKETBALL SEASON HERE AT PURDUE!!!! Finally I get to watch one of our teams do good at something... I just love the basketball team! I am actually really excited, though tonight is only an exhibition game. It will be wonderful...
But I have to go work on graphics now...
The random thoughts of one Tiffany M: things she thinks of, experiences, dreams, imagines, and just wants to get out so she doesn't go nuts.
Basketball season is amazing! I also love your little fishies! I'm glas you put in the link to SuccessTrek! I'm going to join...